What is rosie go
What is rose edit
What is rose bush
What is cylc gcylc
What is cylc gscan
What is cylc scan -c
What command would you use to retrieve some code from a repository?
Which commands would commit code to the repository?
What is the best command for finding out in what files or directories your working copy are different from the repository, i.e. what has been modified etc?
What does "?" mean when you issue the fcm status command?
What does "M" mean when you issue the fcm status command?
What does "!" mean when you issue the fcm status command?
What does "A" mean when you issue the fcm status command?
What does "D" mean when you issue the fcm status command?
Where would you use the command "fcm add"?
Why would you need to use the command "fcm switch" or "fcm sw"?
Which of these commands can you use to create a branch?
How can we run a JULES-Rose suite?
How can you find out what branches are available in a repository?
How can we look at JULES Rose-suite job output/errors?
How can we look at JULES Rose-suite output?
How could you resolve an "!" returned from the "fcm st" command which is because you deleted the file without using fcm?
What two repositories will you be using and needing for JULES only work?
What is MOSRS?
What are FCM keywords?
How can you find out what the FCM keywords available are on your system?
What is FCM?
Why use FCM?
How can you get a copy of the JULES code?
Who can see my changes to JULES code?
Who can commit to a JULES-Rose suite on rosie u repository?
Who can commit to a JULES-Rose suite branch on rosie u repository?