Pre-course Quiz - Background/General questions
This quiz is to help you think about JULES and highlight your areas of interest and areas that you need training in. Please send you answers to .
Do you presently run JULES in any form?
- Yes
- No
Have you ever used a version control system before, even if it was not FCM?
- Yes
- No
Have you ever used Rose/Cylc?
- Yes
- No
How proficient at running in JULES in any form do you consider yourself?
- Novice
- Basic
- Developer
- Developer Advanced
- Expert
How confident are you at running JULES for data analysis only (just changing values/numbers/settings and not code)?
- No experience
- Unconfident
- Somewhat confident
- Confident
- Very confident
How confident are you at running JULES as a developer of the code (changing the actual science of the system)?
- No experience
- Unconfident
- Somewhat confident
- Confident
- Very confident
What do you want to use JULES-Rose and FCM for?
- Being able to collaborate with others
- Being able to use different versions of my code and/or the same code but different settings in different runs
- Being able to test my changes as I develop
- Being able to develop/test different aspects at the same time using branches
- Being able to share my code/settings with others and merge their suggestions if approved
- Being able to go revert changes if I make mistakes
- Knowing that all my code is version controlled
- Knowing that my code is traceable and I know which version was used for what project
- All of the above
- Not sure yet
- Other:
- What area(s) of JULES are you interested in?
- Carbon budget
- Hydrology
- Radiation
- Snow
- Vegetation
- How will/are you using JULES?
- Code development for research only
- Code development for committing to the respository
- Code development, all aspects
- Testing different values and settings for research science only
- Testing different values and settings for ideal Scientific configurations
- Research only
- All aspects of JULES research and development
What times scales are you interested in?
- Climate monthly
- Climate seasonal
- Climate yearly
- Climate 10's of years
- Climate 100's of years
- Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) diurnal
- All of the above
- Other:
What size area(s) are you interested in?
- Global
- Single point
- Small box area
- Grid points
What resolutions are you interested in?
- 0.5 degree
- 1 km
- Don't know
- Other:
- What do you think the advantages are to using version control?
- What do you think the advantages are to using Rose/Cylc to run trials (suites)?
- What do you think will be your greatest challenge with using version control and/or Rose/Cylc for JULES?
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Met Office.
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