Pre-course Quiz - Background/General questions

This quiz is to help you think about JULES and highlight your areas of interest and areas that you need training in. Please send you answers to .

  1. Do you presently run JULES in any form?
    1. Yes
    2. No

  2. Have you ever used a version control system before, even if it was not FCM?
    1. Yes
    2. No

  3. Have you ever used Rose/Cylc?
    1. Yes
    2. No

  4. How proficient at running in JULES in any form do you consider yourself?
    1. Novice
    2. Basic
    3. Developer
    4. Developer Advanced
    5. Expert

  5. How confident are you at running JULES for data analysis only (just changing values/numbers/settings and not code)?
    1. No experience
    2. Unconfident
    3. Somewhat confident
    4. Confident
    5. Very confident

  6. How confident are you at running JULES as a developer of the code (changing the actual science of the system)?
    1. No experience
    2. Unconfident
    3. Somewhat confident
    4. Confident
    5. Very confident

  7. What do you want to use JULES-Rose and FCM for?
    1. Being able to collaborate with others
    2. Being able to use different versions of my code and/or the same code but different settings in different runs
    3. Being able to test my changes as I develop
    4. Being able to develop/test different aspects at the same time using branches
    5. Being able to share my code/settings with others and merge their suggestions if approved
    6. Being able to go revert changes if I make mistakes
    7. Knowing that all my code is version controlled
    8. Knowing that my code is traceable and I know which version was used for what project
    9. All of the above
    10. Not sure yet
    11. Other:

  8. What area(s) of JULES are you interested in?
    1. Carbon budget
    2. Hydrology
    3. Radiation
    4. Snow
    5. Vegetation

  9. How will/are you using JULES?
    1. Code development for research only
    2. Code development for committing to the respository
    3. Code development, all aspects
    4. Testing different values and settings for research science only
    5. Testing different values and settings for ideal Scientific configurations
    6. Research only
    7. All aspects of JULES research and development

  10. What times scales are you interested in?
    1. Climate monthly
    2. Climate seasonal
    3. Climate yearly
    4. Climate 10's of years
    5. Climate 100's of years
    6. Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) diurnal
    7. NWP
    8. All of the above
    9. Other:

  11. What size area(s) are you interested in?
    1. Global
    2. Single point
    3. Small box area
    4. Grid points

  12. What resolutions are you interested in?
    1. 0.5 degree
    2. 1 km
    3. Don't know
    4. Other:

  13. What do you think the advantages are to using version control?

  14. What do you think the advantages are to using Rose/Cylc to run trials (suites)?

  15. What do you think will be your greatest challenge with using version control and/or Rose/Cylc for JULES?

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