VM setup

JULES Virtual Machine setup

JULES can be run on a Virtual Machine (VM).

The metomi team at the Met Office provide a VM with FCM, Rose and Cylc installed and configured. To use the VM, follow the instructions for the Ubuntu 16.04 VM.

You will need root access to your laptop/computer to be able to install of the software required: VirtualBox (version 5.1.6 or later required) and Vagrant (version 1.9.1 or later required) then you need to download the metomi VM setup files from github. Then extract the files, these will be put into a directory called metomi-vms-master. For Window 10 specific advice please read JULES development using a virtual machine. This has been installed on Mac and Windows.

To see both the tmp and the u repsositories in rosie go by default please update the following to your ~/.metomi/rose.conf file:

prefixes-ws-default=tmp u


VM JULES Data can be obtained by running the three scripts in the link. You need to run sudo install-jules-* for all three of the scripts:

# For the extras needed.
sudo install-jules-extras
# For the benchmarking and ERAINT data for rose-stem and the smallest GSWP2 for rose-stem
sudo install-jules-benchmark-data
# For the full set of GSWP2 data if needed! NOTE: this is 22GB. Only install if you have space and need it.
sudo install-jules-gswp2-data
The FTP site password.

The location of the install-jules-* scripts on GitHub are provide by the link for full details if required.


Known Good Output (KGO) is the good data that nccmp uses to compare with the new output that the rose stem suite has created in the current suite run.

  1. KGO_DIR=</jules/rose-stem-kgo/>
  2. VN=vn4.9_t??? #replace with the appropriate KGO version
  3. mkdir -p $KGO_DIR/$VN
  4. JULES_TRUNK=<path/to/jules/vn4.9/trunk> #replace vn4.9 with the appropriate JULES version number
  5. cd $JULES_TRUNK
  6. #This suite will fail, but do it anyway as we need to create the KGO
  7. rose stem --group=all --source=. -S HOUSEKEEPING=false --new
  8. cd ~/cylc-run/trunk
  9. cp work/1/loobos_*/output/* $KGO_DIR/$VN
  10. cp work/1/gswp2_*/output/* $KGO_DIR/$VN

  11. Now rose stem should be configured for your site and compliers.

  12. Test rose stem rose stem --group=all --source=. --new You should have no failures this time.

VM Other help

To start the VM for the first time:

cd ~/metomi-vm=master

#Start the VM for the first ever time
vagrant up
#when run for the first time since installing this takes about 10-20 minutes depending on your internet connection speed.
#when it has completed the install it will shut itself down

#Start the VM after the first ever time
vagrant up
#this takes about 2-5 mins
#you will be asked for your MOSRS password
<enter your MOSRS password>
#if you fail to enter your password correctly:
#this will allow you to try your password again.

#To quit the VM safely
vagrant halt
#or within the ssh session
sudo shutdown -h now

#To remove your VM and start again use the following command.
#This will delete all the files downloaded.
#Remember to commit any local changes back to the repositories before doing this# as all local files will also be deleted, this include any data analysis.
vagrant destroy

Helpful commands for the VM:

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This document is released under the British Open Government Licence.
Last Modified: 2025-3-3T10:48:46Z