What command would not checkout code from the repository?
Which commands would commit code to the repository?
What is the best command for finding out in what files or directories your working copy are different from the repository, i.e. what has been modified etc?
How would you find out if you are working on the trunk or a branch version and if a branch what it is called?
What does "?" mean when you issue the fcm status command?
What does "!" mean when you issue the fcm status command?
Why would you need to use the command "fcm switch" or "fcm sw"?
Which of these commands can you use to create a branch?
What command would you use to pull your changes from one area in the repository into another?
What commands would you use to see the line-by-line or file-by-file differences between two versions or revisions of the repository?
What option would you add to your fcm "difference" command to use the graphical tool to display the differences?
How can we run a JULES-Rose suite?
How can we look at JULES Rose-suite or JULES rose stem job output/errors?
What is JULES rose stem?
How would you update your branch to match the trunk?
How could you resolve an "!" returned from the "fcm st" command which is because you deleted the file without using fcm?
What two repositories will you be using and needing for JULES only work?
How can you find out what the FCM keywords for are on your system?
How can you get a copy of the JULES code?
Complete the JULES-Rose code branch create sequence:
fcm ____ <BRANCH_NAME> fcm:jules.x_tr@vn#.#
fcm ____ fcm:jules.x_br/dev/<USERNAME><BRANCH_NAME>
#make changes and add a new file
fcm ___
fcm ____ <NEW_FILE>
fcm ___
#nothing unknown
fcm ___
#add commit message
fcm ___
#no local changes, changes on the JULES code branches repository
bc, co, st, add, st, ci, st
bc, ci, st, add, st, co, st
co, bc, st, add, st, ci, st
ci, bc, st, add, st, co, st
Complete the JULES rose suite copy sequence:
rosie ____ <SUITE_ID>
#add to description, save and close
#make changes to the suite including deleting a file
fcm ___
fcm ____ ___ <NEW_FILE>
fcm ___
#nothing unknown
fcm ___
#add commit message
fcm ___
#no local changes, changes on the rosie u repository
copy, st, rm, st, ci, st
copy, st, rm, st, co, st
co, st, rm -c, st, ci, st
copy, st, rm -c, st, ci, st
Complete the JULES rose suite branch create sequence:
rosie ____ <SUITE_ID>
fcm ___ <BRANCH_NAME>
#add commit message, save and close
fcm ___
#incase the branch name is forgotten
fcm ___ <BRANCH_NAME>
#make changes to the suite
fcm ___
fcm ___
#add commit message
fcm ___
#nothing unknown
#no local changes, changes on the suite branch of the rosie u repository
fcm ___ trunk
#back to the trunk of the suite ID
checkout, bc, blt, sw, info, st, ci, st, sw
checkout, bc, blt, sp, info, st, ci, st, sw
checkout, bc, bls, sw, info, st, ci, st, sw
checkout, bc, bls, sp, info, st, ci, st, sw
What does KGO mean?
When can KGO be different and tests/tasks fail in the JULES rose stem?
Why create a ticket?
Who can commit to the trunk of the JULES code?
Who can commit to the branch of the JULES code?
Who can commit to a JULES-Rose suite on rosie u repository?
What should be in the Ticket Description before the review is requested?
Where is the evidence for the Ticket Summary page from the JULES rose stem tests located for copying?
What is the review process?
create ticket -> changes -> ____________ > ___________ > ask for sci/tech rev and code rev > _________ > address comments > sci/tech approve > ___________ > ____________ > code approved > JULES system manager or UM systems team to commit code
rose stem tests, complete ticket summary, assign code rev, assign sci/tech rev, address comments
rose stem tests, complete ticket summary, assign sci/tech rev, assign code rev, address comments
complete ticket summary, rose stem tests, assign sci/tech rev, assign code rev, address comments
complete ticket summary, rose stem tests, assign code rev, assign sci/tech rev, address comments
Who can do a sci/tech rev?
Who can do a code rev?
What does a HoT branch mean?
How can you make a HoT branch using FCM?
How can you merge your original branch into your new HoT branch?
fcm ___ fcm:jules.x_br/dev/<USERNAME>/<HoT_BRANCH> ; cd <HoT_BRANCH> / fcm ___ <ORIGINAL_BRANCH> ;fcm ___ ; fcm ___ ; y
ci, merge, diff -g, co
co, merge, diff -g, ci
co, squash, diff -g, ci
co, pull, diff -g, ci
What files are edited when adding a namelist
When you change metadata in anyway what command or commands must you run to check it?