JASMIN setup
How to get access to JASMIN:
Get a CEDA account: start.
Sign up for a JASMIN login account: login.
Create an SSH key pair: ssh-key-linux.
Upload your public key to our website: registering your ssh key.
Mail CEDA support to say that you have uploaded your public key ready for your JASMIN login account to be activated.
Logging on to JASMIN:
ssh -A -X kday002@jasmin-login1.ceda.ac.uk
To access FCM/Rose/Cylc you need to be on the jasmin-cylc
ssh jasmin-sci2.ceda.ac.uk #or jasmin-sci1.ceda.ac.uk ssh jasmin-cylcWhen you log onto the
server you will
be asked for your Met Office Science Repository Service
(MOSRS) password, please enter it.
If you get your password wrong try again using:
mosrs-cache-passwordto re-enter your password.
Running directly on JASMIN:
On jasmin-sci2
or sci1, edit your
# Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi # User specific environment and startup programs export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin HOST=$(hostname) if [[ $HOST = "jasmin-sci2.ceda.ac.uk" || $HOST = "jasmin-cylc.ceda.ac.uk" || $HOST = "jasmin-sci1.ceda.ac.uk" ]]; then # Rose/cylc on jasmin-sci & Lotus nodes export PATH=/apps/contrib/metomi/bin:$PATH fiOn
edit your:
file at the top:
# Provide access to FCM, Rose and Cylc PATH=$PATH:/apps/contrib/metomi/bin # Ensure .bashrc is sourced in login shells # (only add this if it is not already done in your .bash_profile) [[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrcAt the bottom:
[[ $- != *i* ]] && return # Stop here if not running interactively [[ $(hostname) = "jasmin-cylc.ceda.ac.uk" ]] && . mosrs-setup-gpg-agent # Enable bash completion for Rose commands [[ -f /apps/contrib/metomi/rose/etc/rose-bash-completion ]] && . /apps/contrib/metomi/rose/etc/rose-bash-completionNow, whenever you login to
you should be prompted for your Met Office Science Repository Service password.
A further setup for JASMIN and MOSRS requires an update to your
file. Please add the following:
[groups] metofficesharedrepos = code*.metoffice.gov.uk [metofficesharedrepos] # Specify your Science Repository Service user name here username = myusername store-plaintext-passwords = noCheck you
and add the following if missing:
[rosie-id] prefix-default=u prefix-location.u=https://code.metoffice.gov.uk/svn/roses-u prefix-username.u=username #username is all in lower case prefix-ws.u=https://code.metoffice.gov.uk/rosie/u [rose-stem] automatic-options=SITE=jasminThis can be checked by running:
rose config
Remote running JASMIN from a desktop to get GUI's:
Helpful commands for the JASMIN with no GUI's:
On the jasmin-cylc
tail -f ~/cylc-run/SUITE_NAME/log/suite/log
#to follow the progress of a suite while it is runningrose suite-shutdown --name=SUITE_NAME -- --now
#to shutdown you suitecylc scan -c
#to see what suites you have runningcylc trigger SUITE_NAME TASK_NAME:failed
#to trigger failed task(s), not you can use*
within the TASK_NAME to pattern match part of the full task name to trigger multiple tasks
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Met Office.
This document is released under the British Open Government Licence.
This document is released under the British Open Government Licence.