This file sets the surface options. It contains one namelist called JULES_SURFACE.
Type: | integer |
Permitted: | 0,1 |
Default: | 0 |
Perform calculations of tile properties on all tiles (except land ice) for all gridpoints even when the tile fraction is zero.
Type: | integer |
Permitted: | 1-4 |
Default: | 1 |
Corrections to Monin-Obukhov surface exchange calculation. Please see also UMDP24 “The Parametrization of Boundary Layer Processes” (section 8.4.1).
Option 4 should be the preferred option.
Type: | real |
Permitted: | >=0.0 |
Dimensionless coefficient for convective boundary layer gustiness in surface exchange. Historically this was set to 0.08 but now 0.04 is recommended when gustiness induced by cumulus convection is included. Please see also UMDP24 “The Parametrization of Boundary Layer Processes” (section 8.1).
Type: | logical |
Default: | F |
Switch controlling number of tiles for each gridbox.
This is used to set the number of surface energy balances that are solved for each gridbox (ntiles).
Type: | integer |
Permitted: | 0-1 |
Default: | 0 |
Option for aggregating surface properties to tiles:
This option is ignored unless l_aggregate is true.
Type: | logical |
Default: | F |
Type: | logical |
Default: | F |
Flag indicating if driving data are point or area-average values. This affects the treatment of precipitation input and how snow affects the albedo.
Type: | logical |
Default: | F |
Switch to control the use of implicit numerics to update land ice temperatures.
Type: | logical |
Default: | F |
Switch for inclusion of anthropogenic contribution to the surface heat flux from urban surface types. If l_urban2t then the anthropogenic heat will be distributed between the urban_canyon and urban_roof according to anthrop_heat_scale, otherwise it is added to urban only.
Type: | integer |
Permitted: | 0 or 1 |
Default: | 0 |
Switch controlling method for diagnosing screen temperature.
Option 0 should be the preferred option in standalone i.e. no decoupling until the decoupled options are fully tested in standalone scenarios.
Type: | logical |
Default: | false |
If tiles are set to be at an elevation offset from the gridbox mean altitude (see JULES_SURF_HGT) this switch controls whether downwelling longwave radiation is adjusted along with surface air temperature and relative humidity.
If true, the downwelling longwave for each tile not at the gridbox mean height is adjusted by an amount proportional to the fourth power of the adjustment that has been made to the surface air temperature. The adjustments are then scaled such that the sum over all tiles conserves the gridbox mean energy in the original forcing.
Type: | logical |
Default: | false |
Allows multiple ice tiles to exist in an ice gridbox, usually with each representing a different elevation (JULES_SURF_HGT) band on in icesheet areas so that a sub-gridscale surface mass balance term (a strong function of altitude) can be derived for forcing icesheet/glacier models. When enabled, ice tiles in a gridbox do not use the usual (gridbox mean) JULES soil/ice subsurface model, but each tile has an independent single layer bedrock-type solid ice boundary condition under the snowpack.
In addition, when selected, dense snowpacks on elevated ice gridboxes are parameterised to behave more like firn in two ways: 1) The meltwater-holding capacity of snow layers reduces as a linear function of their density, becoming zero above the pore-closure density of 850 kg/m^2 so as to restrict retention of melt within the snowpack. 2) Where the top few centimetres of the pack has a density appropriate to firn/bare ice and the grain-size physics otherwise used for snow albedo become less appropriate, surface albedo becomes a function of density, tending towards that of bare ice as density increases (see rho_firn_albedo, amax, aicemax).
If this scheme is enabled, a depth for the bedrock layer must be provided (dzsoil_elev) and the new tile numbers must be specified (JULES_SURFACE_TYPES) as either type elev_ice (for fully glaciated areas) or elev_rock (for non-glaciated areas where the bedrock may become exposed under a thin snow layer). The total number of non-vegetated tiles, and their surface properties (JULES_NVEGPARM, usually set to be the same as the normal ice tile) must be set accordingly, as with any tile.
Type: | logical |
Default: | false |
Switch for using the two-tile urban schemes (including MORUSES). This allows two urban tiles (urban_canyon and urban_roof) to be used instead of one. Additional parameters must be supplied via JULES_NVEGPARM, with some able to be provided by MORUSES (see JULES_URBAN_SWITCHES).
Surface parameters
Type: | real |
Default: | 5.7e4 |
Specific heat capacity of leaves (J K-1 per kg carbon).
See Hadley Centre Technical Note 30, p6, available from the Met Office Library.
Type: | real |
Default: | 1.1e4 |
Specific heat capacity of wood (J K-1 per kg carbon).
See Hadley Centre Technical Note 30, p6, available from the Met Office Library.
Type: | real |
Default: | 0.83 |
Coupling coefficient for co-limitation in photosynthesis model.
See Cox et al. (1999), Eq.61.
Type: | real |
Default: | 0.93 |
Coupling coefficient for co-limitation in photosynthesis model.
See Cox et al. (1999), Eq.61.
Type: | real |
Default: | 0.5 |
Constant in expression for limitation of photosynthesis by transport of products, for C3 plants.
See Cox et al. (1999) Eq.60.
Type: | real |
Default: | 20000.0 |
Constant in expression for limitation of photosynthesis by transport of products, for C4 plants.
See Cox et al. (1999) Eq.60.