This file contains two namelists called IMOGEN_RUN_LIST and IMOGEN_ANLG_VALS_LIST. Values from this section are only used if IMOGEN is enabled (i.e. l_imogen = TRUE).
A full IMOGEN experiment consists of three JULES runs, called spin_eq, spin_dyn and tran. Each run is started from the final dump of the previous run. The first two runs behave like an extended spin-up for the full transient run, and as such runs with IMOGEN must have no spin-up (i.e. max_spinup_cycles = 0).
Since IMOGEN calculates the forcing for an entire year at once, an IMOGEN run must have a start time of 00:00:00 on the 1st of January for some year.
IMOGEN is currently restricted to run only on the HadCM3LC grid, i.e. there are 96 x 56 grid cells where each cell has size 3.75 degrees longitude by 2.5 degrees latitude with no Antarctica. This means that:
IMOGEN also uses its own I/O, so it expects IMOGEN specific files in a different format to JULES - this may change in the future. An example of setting up IMOGEN is provided in examples/imogen - this should be used as a guide if creating new files for IMOGEN.
Type: | real |
Default: | 286.085 |
Initial CO2 concentration (ppmv).
Type: | character |
Default: | None |
If used, file containing CO2 emissions.
This file is expected to be in a specific format - see the IMOGEN example.
Type: | character |
Default: | None |
If used, file containing non-CO2 values.
This file is expected to be in a specific format - see the IMOGEN example.
Type: | character |
Default: | None |
If used, file containing CO2 values.
This file is expected to be in a specific format - see the IMOGEN example.
Type: | logical |
Default: | T |
If TRUE, then use the GCM analogue model.
Type: | logical |
Default: | T |
If TRUE, then incorporate anomalies.
Type: | logical |
Default: | T |
If TRUE, CO2 concentration is calculated.
Type: | logical |
Default: | T |
If TRUE, include adjustments to CO2 values.
Type: | logical |
Default: | T |
If TRUE, include adjustments to non-CO2 values.
Type: | logical |
Default: | F |
If TRUE, include land CO2 feedbacks on atmospheric CO2.
Type: | logical |
Default: | F |
If TRUE, include ocean feedbacks on atmospheric CO2.
Type: | integer |
Default: | 241 |
Number of years of emission data in file.
Type: | character |
Default: | None |
File containing the mapping of IMOGEN global grid points onto IMOGEN land points (different from the JULES land points).
Type: | logical |
Default: | F |
Indicates how the IMOGEN prognostic variables will be initialised.
Type: | character |
Default: | None |
The name of the dump file to initialise from.
Only used if initialise_from_dump = TRUE.
Type: | real |
Default: | 3.74 |
Radiative forcing due to doubling CO2 (W m-2).
Type: | real |
Default: | 0.711 |
Fractional coverage of the ocean.
Type: | real |
Default: | 383.8 |
Ocean eddy diffusivity (W m-1 K-1).
Type: | real |
Default: | 0.52 |
Inverse of climate sensitivity over land (W m-2 K-1).
Type: | real |
Default: | 1.75 |
Inverse of climate sensitivity over ocean (W m-2 K-1).
Type: | real |
Default: | 1.87 |
Ratio of land to ocean temperature anomalies.
Type: | real |
Default: | 289.28 |
Initial ocean temperature (K).
Type: | integer |
Default: | 21 |
Number of years for which non-co2 forcing is prescribed.
Type: | character |
Default: | None |
Directory containing the patterns.
Files in this directory are expected to be in a specific format - see the IMOGEN example.
Type: | character |
Default: | None |
Directory containing initialising climatology.
Files in this directory are expected to be in a specific format - see the IMOGEN example.
Type: | character |
Default: | None |
Directory containing prescribed anomalies.
Files in this directory are expected to be in a specific format - see the IMOGEN example.
Type: | logical |
Default: | F |
If true, then non-CO2 radiative forcings are contained within a file.