The JULES vn4.4 release consists of 31 tickets from 17 authors across 35 commits. Two further tickets were removed from the release due to issues.
Full details of the tickets committed for JULES vn4.4 can be found on the JULES shared repository Trac system.
- Add an option to set tile elevations to have absolute values above sea-level
- Adjustment to downward longwave radiation for elevated tiles
- JULES Nitrogen for UKESM
- Use bare soil momentum roughness length, if supplied as an ancillary field
- Add the irrigation supply code from JIM to the JULES trunk
- improvements to rivers_type=’trip’,’rfm’: storage in dump and partial parallelisation
- modify ch4 emissions from wetlands
- Allow landuse with variable number of PFTs
- Enable BVOCs and TRAITS together.
- Change multi-layer snow indices of first layer
- JULES fcm-make configs updated to be incompatible with FCM 2015.07.0 and later
- Rose-stem support for alternative Rose, Cylc and FCM versions
- Addition of OpenMP directives to some JULES code.
- Code coverage metrics for rose-stem suite
- Prep for JULES memory duplication
- remove snow_grnd_gb from closures benchmark test
- Remove factor of 0.5 from snow albedo temperature dependence
- Fix a bug in the Nitrogen Scheme for the implicit update of soil respiration when the soil C pool is exhausted.
- Fix drift in vegetation fractions
- Scaling bug in Taux
- bug fix for between season irrig_water
- Met Office VM: fix for update-jules-scripts file for JULES 4.3
- JULES namelist broadcasts are out of sync