This file contains a single namelist called JULES_NVEGPARM that sets time-invariant parameters for non-vegetation surface types.
This namelist reads the values of parameters for each of the non-vegetation surface types. These parameters are a function of surface type only. All parameters must be defined for any configuration.
The files given in the examples directory are a good starting point for setting up any JULES run, and in the majority of cases can be left untouched.
HCTN30 refers to Hadley Centre technical note 30, available from the Met Office Library.
Type: | character(nnvg) |
Default: | None |
Name of each surface type. These names are for the user’s convenience, and do not have any special significance within JULES.
Type: | real(nnvg) |
Default: | None |
Snow-covered albedo.
Only used if l_spec_albedo = FALSE. See HCTN30 Table 1.
Type: | real(nnvg) |
Default: | None |
Snow-free albedo.
See HCTN30 Table 1.
Type: | real(nnvg) |
Default: | None |
Upper limit on snow-free albedo, when l_albedo_obs = TRUE.
Type: | real(nnvg) |
Default: | None |
Lower limit on snow-free albedo, when l_albedo_obs = TRUE.
Type: | real(nnvg) |
Default: | None |
Capacity for water (kg m-2).
See HCTN30 p7.
Type: | real(nnvg) |
Default: | None |
Surface conductance (m s-1).
See HCTN30 p7. Soil conductance is modified by soil moisture according to HCTN30 Eq35.
Type: | real(nnvg) |
Default: | None |
Infiltration enhancement factor.
The maximum infiltration rate defined by the soil parameters for the whole gridbox may be modified for each tile to account for tile-dependent factors.
See HCTN30 p14 for full details.
Type: | real(nnvg) |
Default: | None |
Roughness length for momentum (m).
See HCTN30 Table 4.
Type: | real(nnvg) |
Default: | None |
Heat capacity of this surface type (J K-1 m-2).
Used only if can_model is 3 or 4.
Type: | real(nnvg) |
Default: | None |
Fractional coverage of non-vegetation “canopy”.
Typically set to 0.0, but value of 1.0 used if tile should have a heat capacity in conjunction with can_model options 3 or 4.
Type: | real(nnvg) |
Default: | None |
Surface emissivity.
Type: | real(nnvg) |
Default: | None |
Ratio of the roughness length for heat to the roughness length for momentum.
This is generally assumed to be 0.1. See HCTN30 p6. Note that this is the ratio of the roughness length for heat to that for momentum. It does not alter the roughness length for momentum, which is given by z0_nvg_io.
Type: | real(nnvg) |
Default: | None |
Ratio of the roughness length for heat to the roughness length for momentum for the CLASSIC aerosol scheme only.
This makes no difference to the model when running standalone, and is only required to keep the standalone and UM interfaces consistent.