6.22. cable_prognostics.nml

This file contains a single namelist called CABLE_PROGS that is used to set up the initial state of prognostic variables.

6.22.1. CABLE_PROGS namelist members

The values of all prognostic variables must be set at the start of a run. This initial state, or initial condition, can be read from a file. Another option is to prescribe a simple or idealised initial state by giving constant values for the prognostic variables directly in the namelist. It is also possible to set some fields using values from a file but to set others to constants given in the namelist.


The file to read initial values for CABLE prognostic variables from.

If use_file is FALSE for every variable, this will not be used.

This file name can use variable name templating.

Permitted:>= 0

The number of prognostic variables that will be provided (see List of CABLE prognostic variables).


List of CABLE prognostic variable names as recognised by CABLE (see List of CABLE prognostic variables). Names are case sensitive.


For ASCII files, variable names must be in the order they appear in the file.


For each CABLE variable specified in var, this is the string to substitute into the file name in place of the variable name substitution string.

If the file name does not use variable name templating, this is not used.


For each CABLE variable specified in var, this indicates if it should be read from the specified file or whether a constant value is to be used.

The variable will be read from the file.
The variable will be set to a constant value everywhere using const_val below.
Default:‘’ (empty string)

For each CABLE variable specified in var where use_file = TRUE, this is the name of the variable in the file containing the data.

If the empty string (the default) is given for any variable, then the corresponding value from var is used instead.

This is not used for variables where use_file = FALSE, but a placeholder must still be given in that case.


For ASCII files, this is not used - only the order in the file matters, as described above.


For each CABLE variable specified in var where use_file = FALSE, this is a constant value that the variable will be set to at every point in every layer.

This is not used for variables where use_file = TRUE, but a placeholder must still be given in that case. List of CABLE prognostic variables

Values are set for each tile of each grid point and for each layer of soil or snow.

Name Description
SoilTemp_CABLE Temperature of each soil layer (K).
SoilMoisture_CABLE Soil moisture content of each soil layer (kg m-2).
FrozenSoilFrac_CABLE Frozen soil moisture content of each soil layer as a fraction of saturation.
SnowDepth_CABLE Depth of each snow level (m).
SnowMass_CABLE Mass of each each snow level (kg).
SnowTemp_CABLE Temperature for each snow layer (K).
SnowDensity_CABLE Density for each snow layer (kg m-3).
SnowAge_CABLE Age of each snow layer
OneLyrSnowDensity_CABLE Snow density when all snow treated as one layer. (kg m-3)
ThreeLayerSnowFlag_CABLE Flag for 3 layer snow pack (0 - false, 1 - true)