9. JULES Output variables¶
Variables that are available for output from JULES are listed in this section, separated according to their type.
All output is on the full model grid (even for variables defined on land points only).
Any points on the grid for which a variable is not defined with be filled with a missing data value.
Any variables also available on soil tiles are indicated next to their non-soil-tiled analogues, eg var[_soilt]
9.1. Variables that have a single value at each gridpoint (land and sea)¶
Name | Description |
con_rain |
Gridbox convective rainfall (kg m-2 s-1). |
con_snow |
Gridbox convective snowfall (kg m-2 s-1). |
cosz |
Cosine of the zenith angle (-). |
diff_frac |
Gridbox fraction of radiation that is diffuse (-). |
ecan_gb |
Gridbox mean evaporation from canopy/surface store (kg m-2 s-1). |
ei_gb |
Gridbox sublimation from lying snow or sea-ice (kg m-2 s-1). |
esoil_gb |
Gridbox surface evapotranspiration from soil moisture store (kg m-2 s-1). |
et_stom_gb |
Gridbox transpiration (kg m-2 s-1). |
fqw_gb |
Gridbox moisture flux from surface (kg m-2 s-1). |
ftl_gb |
Gridbox surface sensible heat flux (W m-2). |
land_albedo_1 |
Gridbox band 1 albedo (direct beam visible). |
land_albedo_2 |
Gridbox band 2 albedo (diffuse visible). |
land_albedo_3 |
Gridbox band 3 albedo (direct beam NIR). |
land_albedo_4 |
Gridbox band 4 albedo (diffuse NIR). |
latent_heat |
Gridbox surface latent heat flux (W m-2). |
ls_rain |
Gridbox large-scale rainfall (kg m-2 s-1). |
ls_snow |
Gridbox large-scale snowfall (kg m-2 s-1). |
lw_down |
Gridbox surface downward LW radiation (W m-2). |
precip |
Gridbox precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1). |
pstar |
Gridbox surface pressure (Pa). |
q1p5m_gb |
Gridbox specific humidity at 1.5m height (kg kg-1). |
qw1 |
Gridbox specific humidity (total water content) (kg kg-1). |
rainfall |
Gridbox rainfall rate (kg m-2 s-1). |
snomlt_surf_htf |
Gridbox heat flux used for surface melting of snow (W m-2). |
snowfall |
Gridbox snowfall rate (kg m-2 s-1). |
snow_mass_gb |
Gridbox snowmass (kg m-2). |
surf_ht_flux_gb |
Gridbox net downward heat flux at surface over land and sea-ice fraction of gridbox (W m-2). |
sw_down |
Gridbox surface downward SW radiation (W m-2). |
t1p5m_gb |
Gridbox temperature at 1.5m height (K). |
taux1 |
Gridbox westerly component of surface wind stress (N m-2). |
tauy1 |
Gridbox southerly component of surface wind stress (N m-2). |
tauy_gb |
Gridbox scalar magnitude of surface wind stress (N m-2). |
tl1 |
Gridbox ice/liquid water temperature (K). |
tstar_gb |
Gridbox surface temperature (K). |
u1 |
Gridbox westerly wind component (m s-1). |
u10m |
Gridbox westerly wind component at 10 m height (m s-1). |
v1 |
Gridbox southerly wind component (m s-1). |
v10m |
Gridbox southerly wind component at 10m height (m s-1). |
wind |
Gridbox wind speed (m s-1). |
9.2. Variables that have a single value at each land gridpoint¶
Name | Description |
albedo_land |
Gridbox albedo (as used to calculate net shortwave radiation) (-). |
apar_gb |
Gridbox absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (W m-2). |
NDVI_land |
Gridbox NDVI (using sum of direct and diffuse for (NIR-VIS)/(NIR+VIS)). |
canopy_gb |
Gridbox canopy water content (kg m-2). |
co2_soil_gb |
Gridbox C in CO2 flux from soil to atmosphere (kg m-2 s-1).
Only available with the ECOSSE soil model (soil_bgc_model = 3). |
cs_gb |
Gridbox total soil carbon (kg m-2). |
cv |
Gridbox mean vegetation carbon at end of model timestep (kg m-2). |
c_bio_gb |
Gridbox soil carbon in biomass pool (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
c_dpm_gb |
Gridbox soil carbon in decomposable plant material pool (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
c_hum_gb |
Gridbox soil carbon in humus pool (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
c_rpm_gb |
Gridbox soil carbon in resistant plant material pool (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
c_emiss_out |
Prescribed carbon emissions in IMOGEN (Gt / year). This is one global value repeated over all land points and is only available when IMOGEN is switched on. |
d_land_atmos_co2 |
Change in atmospheric CO2 concentration from land atmosphere CO2 feedbacks in IMOGEN (ppm / year). This is one global value repeated over all land points and is only available when IMOGEN is switched on. |
d_ocean_atmos |
Change in atmospheric CO2 concentration from ocean atmosphere CO2 feedbacks in IMOGEN (ppm / year). This is one global value repeated over all land points and is only available when IMOGEN is switched on. |
deposition_n |
Nitrogen deposition (kg m-2 s-1). |
depth_frozen |
Gridbox depth of frozen ground at surface defined from soil temperature (m). |
depth_frozen_sthf |
Gridbox depth of frozen ground at surface defined from soil moisture (m).
Recommended over depth_frozen except where the soil is very dry. |
depth_unfrozen |
Gridbox depth of unfrozen ground at surface defined from soil temperature (m). |
depth_unfrozen_sthf |
Gridbox depth of unfrozen ground at surface defined from soil moisture (m).
Recommended over depth_unfrozen except where the soil is very dry. |
dpm_ratio |
Gridbox DPM:RPM ratio of overall litter input (:). |
drain[_soilt] |
Gridbox drainage at bottom of soil column (kg m-2 s-1). |
elake |
Gridbox mean evaporation from lakes (kg m-2 s-1). |
emis_gb |
Gridbox emissivity. |
exudates_gb |
Gridbox exudates: excess carbon not assimilable into plant due lack of nitrogen (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
fch4_wetl |
Gridbox scaled methane flux from wetland fraction using soil carbon as substrate if ch4_substrate=1, NPP as substrate if ch4_substrate=2, or soil respiration as substrate if ch4_substrate=3 (10-9 kg m-2 s-1). |
fch4_wetl_cs[_soilt] |
Gridbox methane flux from wetland fraction using soil carbon as substrate (kg m-2 s-1). |
fch4_wetl_npp[_soilt] |
Gridbox methane flux from wetland fraction using NPP as substrate (kg m-2 s-1). |
fch4_wetl_resps[_soilt] |
Gridbox methane flux from wetland fraction using soil respiration as substrate (kg m-2 s-1). |
fprf |
Modifier of soil respiration rate due to vegetation cover (-). |
fsat[_soilt] |
Gridbox surface saturated fraction (-). |
fsmc_gb |
Gridbox soil moisture availability factor (beta) (-). |
fwetl[_soilt] |
Gridbox wetland fraction at end of model timestep (-). |
gpp_gb |
Gridbox gross primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon (kg m-2 s-1). |
gs |
Gridbox surface conductance to evaporation (m s-1). |
hf_snow_melt |
Gridbox snowmelt heat flux (W m-2). |
harvest_gb |
Gridbox flux of carbon to product pools due to harvest (kg C m-2 (360days)-1). |
harvest_n_gb |
Gridbox flux of nitrogen to atmosphere due to harvest (kg N m-2 (360days)-1). |
immob_n_pot_gb |
Gridbox mean potential soil nitrogen immobilisation (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
immob_n_gb |
Gridbox mean soil nitrogen immobilisation (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
lai_gb |
Gridbox leaf area index (-). |
land_index |
Index (gridbox number) of land points. |
lice_index |
Index (gridbox number) of land ice points. |
lit_c_mean |
Gridbox mean carbon litter (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
lit_n_t |
Gridbox mean total nitrogen litter (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
lw_net |
Gridbox surface net LW radiation (W m-2). |
lw_up |
Gridbox surface upward LW radiation (W m-2). |
minl_n_pot_gb |
Gridbox mean potential soil nitrogen mineralisation (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
minl_gb |
Gridbox mean soil nitrogen mineralisation (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
n2_denitrif_gb |
Gridbox mean N in N2 lost from soil during denitrification (kg m-2 s-1). |
n2o_denitrif_gb |
Gridbox mean N in N2O lost during denitrification (kg m-2 s-1). |
n2o_nitrif_gb |
Gridbox mean N in N2O lost during nitrification, including partial nitrification (kg m-2 s-1). |
n2o_part_nitrif_gb |
Gridbox mean N in N2O lost by partial nitrification (kg m-2 s-1). |
n2o_soil_gb |
Gridbox mean N in N2O flux from soil to atmosphere (kg m-2 s-1). |
n_denitrif_gb |
Gridbox mean rate of denitrification, expressed as N (kg m-2 s-1). |
n_nitrif_gb |
Gridbox mean rate of nitrification, expressed as N (kg m-2 s-1). |
no_soil_gb |
Gridbox mean N in NO flux from soil to atmosphere (kg m-2 s-1). |
npp_gb |
Gridbox net primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon prior to nitrogen limitation (kg m-2 s-1). |
npp_n_gb |
Gridbox net primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon after nitrogen limitation (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
ns_gb |
Gridbox soil organic nitrogen (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
n_amm_gb |
Gridbox soil nitrogen in ammonium pool (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 3. |
n_bio_gb |
Gridbox soil nitrogen in biomass pool (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
n_demand_gb |
Gridbox mean demand for nitrogen (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
n_dpm_gb |
Gridbox soil nitrogen in decomposable plant material pool (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
n_fertiliser_gb |
Gridbox nitrogen addition from fertiliser (kg N m-2 (360days)-1). |
n_fix_gb |
Gridbox mean nitrogen fixed by plants (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
n_gas_gb |
Gridbox mean mineralised nitrogen gas emissions (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
n_hum_gb |
Gridbox soil nitrogen in humus pool (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
n_inorg_gb |
Gridbox soil inorganic nitrogen (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
n_leach |
Gridbox leached nitrogen loss term (kg N m-2 s-1). |
n_loss |
Gridbox nitrogen loss term (fixed fraction of n_inorg) (kg N m-2 (360days)-1). |
n_miner_gb |
Gribox rate of net mineralisation of soil N (kg m-2 s-1).
Only available with the ECOSSE soil model (soil_bgc_model = 3). |
n_nit_gb |
Gridbox soil ammonium in ammonium pool (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 3. |
n_rpm_gb |
Gridbox soil nitrogen in resistant plant material pool (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
n_soil_gb |
Gridbox total soil nitrogen (organic and inorganic) (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
n_uptake_gb |
Gridbox total nitrogen uptake by plants (kg N m-2 (360days)-1).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
n_veg_gb |
Gridbox mean plant nitrogen content: n_leaf+n_root+n_wood from carbon equivalents (kg m-2 ). |
plant_input_c_gb |
Gridbox input of C to the soil by plant litterfall (kg m-2 s-1).
Only available with the ECOSSE soil model (soil_bgc_model = 3). |
plant_input_n_gb |
Gridbox input of N to the soil by plant litterfall (kg m-2 s-1).
Only available with the ECOSSE soil model (soil_bgc_model = 3). |
qbase[_soilt] |
Gridbox baseflow (lateral subsurface runoff) (kg m-2 s-1), i.e. the sum of
surface and subsurface lateral flows from all soil layers (inc. deep LSH/TOPMODEL layer).
Only available if l_top = TRUE |
qbase_zw[_soilt] |
Gridbox baseflow (lateral subsurface runoff) from deep LSH/TOPMODEL layer
(kg m-2 s-1).
Only available if l_top = TRUE |
rad_net |
Surface net radiation (W m-2). |
resp_p_gb |
Gridbox plant respiration carbon flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
resp_s_gb |
Gridbox total soil respiration carbon flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
resp_s_to_atmos_gb |
Respired carbon from soil carbon emitted to atmosphere (kg m-2 s-1). |
resp_s_dr_out |
Gridbox mean soil respiration carbon flux for driving TRIFFID (kg m-2 (360days)-1) This is the gross soil respiration, some of this carbon flux is from one soil carbon pool to another. |
root_abandon_gb |
Carbon from roots abandoned during landuse change to soil kg C m-2 (360days)-1). |
root_abandon_n_gb |
Nitrogen from roots abandoned during landuse change to soil kg N m-2 (360days)-1). |
runoff |
Gridbox runoff rate (kg m-2 s-1). |
rflow |
Gridbox river flow rate (kg m-2 s-1).
Only available if l_rivers = TRUE |
rrun |
Gridbox runoff rate received by river routing routine (kg m-2 s-1).
Only available if l_rivers = TRUE |
frac_fplain_lp |
Overbank inundation area as a fraction of gridcell area.
Only available if l_riv_overbank = TRUE |
sat_excess_roff[_soilt] |
Gridbox saturation excess runoff rate (kg m-2 s-1). |
smc_avail_top |
Gridbox available moisture in surface layer of depth given by zsmc
(kg m-2). Calculated using sm_wilt from JULES_SOIL_PROPS . |
smc_avail_tot |
Gridbox available moisture in soil column (kg m-2).
Calculated using sm_wilt from JULES_SOIL_PROPS . |
smc_tot |
Gridbox total soil moisture in column (kg m-2). |
snomlt_sub_htf |
Gridbox sub-canopy snowmelt heat flux (W m-2). |
snow_can_gb |
Gridbox snow on canopy (kg m-2). |
snow_depth_gb |
Gridbox depth of snow (m). |
snow_frac |
Gridbox snow-covered fraction of land points (-). |
snow_grnd_gb |
Gridbox average snow beneath canopy (snow_grnd) (kg m-2). |
snow_ice_gb |
Gridbox frozen water in snowpack (kg m-2).
Only available if nsmax > 0. |
snow_liq_gb |
Gridbox liquid water in snowpack (kg m-2).
Only available if nsmax > 0. |
snow_melt_gb |
Gridbox rate of snowmelt (kg m-2 s-1). |
soil_cn_gb |
Gridbox total soil carbon : nitrogen ratio. |
soil_index |
Index (gridbox number) of soil points. |
sthzw |
Soil wetness in the deep LSH/TOPMODEL layer (-). |
sub_surf_roff |
Gridbox sub-surface runoff (kg m-2 s-1). |
surf_roff |
Gridbox surface runoff (kg m-2 s-1). |
swet_liq_tot |
Gridbox unfrozen soil moisture as fraction of saturation (-). |
swet_tot |
Gridbox soil moisture as fraction of saturation (-). |
sw_net |
Gribox net shortwave radiation at the surface (W m-2). |
tfall |
Gridbox throughfall (kg m-2 s-1). |
trad |
Gridbox effective radiative temperature (K). |
zw[_soilt] |
Gridbox mean depth to water table (m). |
isoprene_gb |
Gridbox mean isoprene emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
terpene_gb |
Gridbox mean monoterpene emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
methanol_gb |
Gridbox mean methanol emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
acetone_gb |
Gridbox mean monoterpene emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
frac_agr |
Fractional area of agricultural land in each gridbox. If l_trif_crop
is TRUE, frac_agr is the fractional area of crop land in each gridbox. |
frac_past |
Fractional area of pasture land in each gridbox. |
co2_mmr |
Concentration of atmospheric CO2, expressed as a mass mixing ratio. |
frac_agr_prev |
Fractional area of agricultural land at the previous timestep. |
wood_prod_fast |
Carbon content of the fast decay-rate wood product pool (kg m-2). |
wood_prod_med |
Carbon content of the medium decay-rate wood product pool (kg m-2). |
wood_prod_slow |
Carbon content of the slow decay-rate wood product pool (kg m-2). |
WP_fast_in |
Carbon flux from vegetation to the fast decay-rate wood product pool (kg m-2 [360days]-1). |
WP_med_in |
Carbon flux from vegetation to the medium decay-rate wood product pool (kg m-2 [360days]-1). |
WP_slow_in |
Carbon flux from vegetation to the slow decay-rate wood product pool (kg m-2 [360days]-1). |
WP_fast_out |
Carbon flux from the fast decay-rate wood product pool to atmosphere (kg m-2 [360days]-1). |
WP_med_out |
Carbon flux from the medium decay-rate wood product pool to atmosphere (kg m-2 [360days]-1). |
WP_slow_out |
Carbon flux from the slow decay-rate wood product pool to atmosphere (kg m-2 [360days]-1). |
irrig_water |
Irrigation water demand (for l_irrig_dmd = T). (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_mcarthur |
McArthur Forest Fire Danger Index (No units) |
fire_canadian |
Canadian Fire Weather Index (No units). |
fire_canadian_ffmc |
Canadian Fire Weather Index- Fine Fuel Moisture Code (No units). |
fire_canadian_dmc |
Canadian Fire Weather Index- Duff Moisture Code (No units). |
fire_canadian_dc |
Canadian Fire Weather Index- Drought Code (No units). |
fire_canadian_isi |
Canadian Fire Weather Index- Initial Spread Index (No units). |
fire_canadian_bui |
Canadian Fire Weather Index- Build-up Index (No units). |
fire_nesterov |
Nesterov Fire Index (No units). |
cnsrv_carbon_veg2 |
Error in land carbon conservation in veg2 routine (kg m-2) |
cnsrv_carbon_triffid |
Error in land carbon conservation in triffid routine (kg m-2) |
cnsrv_veg_triffid |
Error in vegetation carbon conservation in triffid routine (kg m-2) |
cnsrv_soil_triffid |
Error in soil carbon conservation in triffid routine (kg m-2) |
cnsrv_prod_triffid |
Error in wood product carbon conservation in triffid routine (kg m-2) |
cnsrv_nitrogen_triffd |
Error in land nitrogen conservation in triffid routine (kg m-2) |
cnsrv_vegN_triffid |
Error in vegetation nitrogen conservation in triffid routine (kg m-2) |
cnsrv_soilN_triffid |
Error in soil nitrogen conservation in triffid routine (kg m-2) |
cnsrv_n_inorg_triffid |
Error in inorganic nitrogen conservation in triffid routine (kg m-2) |
burnt_area_gb |
Gridbox mean burnt area fraction (s-1). |
emitted_carbon_gb |
Gridbox mean emitted carbon flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
emitted_carbon_DPM |
Decomposable Plant Material emitted carbon flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
emitted_carbon_RPM |
Resistant Plant Material emitted carbon flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_CO2_gb |
Gridbox mean fire CO2 emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_CO2_DPM |
Decomposable Plant Material fire CO2 emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_CO2_RPM |
Resistant Plant Material fire CO2 emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_CO_gb |
Gridbox mean fire CO emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_CO_DPM |
Decomposable Plant Material fire CO emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_CO_RPM |
Resistant Plant Material fire CO emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_CH4_gb |
Gridbox mean fire CH4 emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_CH4_DPM |
Decomposable Plant Material fire CH4 emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_CH4_RPM |
Resistant Plant Material fire CH4 emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_NOx_gb |
Gridbox mean fire NOx emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_NOx_DPM |
Decomposable Plant Material fire NOx emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_NOx_RPM |
Resistant Plant Material fire NOx emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_SO2_gb |
Gridbox mean fire SO2 emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_SO2_DPM |
Decomposable Plant Material fire SO2 emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_SO2_RPM |
Resistant Plant Material fire SO2 emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_OC_gb |
Gridbox mean fire OC emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_OC_DPM |
Decomposable Plant Material fire OC emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_OC_RPM |
Resistant Plant Material fire OC emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_BC_gb |
Gridbox mean fire BC emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_BC_DPM |
Decomposable Plant Material fire BC emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_BC_RPM |
Resistant Plant Material fire BC emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fao_et0 |
FAO Penman-Monteith evapotranspiration for reference crop (kg m-2 s-1) |
9.3. Variables that have a value for each PFT at each land gridpoint¶
Name | Description |
apar |
PFT absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (W m-2). |
c_veg |
PFT total carbon content of the vegetation at end of model timestep (kg m-2). |
canht |
PFT canopy height (m). |
exudates |
PFT exudates - excess carbon not assimilable into plant due lack of nitrogen availability (kg C m-2 (360days)-1). |
flux_o3_stom |
PFT flux of O3 to stomata (nmol m-2 s-1). |
fsmc |
PFT soil moisture availability factor (-). |
g_leaf |
PFT leaf turnover rate ([360days]-1). |
g_leaf_day |
PFT mean leaf turnover rate for input to PHENOL ([360days]-1). |
g_leaf_dr_out |
PFT mean leaf turnover rate for driving TRIFFID ([360days]-1). |
g_leaf_phen |
PFT mean leaf turnover rate over phenology period([360days]-1). |
gpp |
PFT gross primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon (kg m-2 s-1). |
harvest |
flux of carbon to product pools due to harvest (kg C m-2 (360days)-1). |
harvest_n |
flux of nitrogen to atmosphere due to harvest (kg N m-2 (360days)-1). |
lai |
PFT leaf area index (-). |
lai_bal |
PFT balanced leaf area index in sf_stom (-). |
lai_phen |
PFT leaf area index after phenology (-). |
leafC |
PFT carbon in leaf biomass (kg m-2 ). |
leaf_litC |
PFT litter carbon due to leaf turnover (kg m-2 )(360days)-1). |
leaf_litN |
PFT litter nitrogen due to leaf turnover (kg m-2 )(360days)-1). |
lit_c |
PFT carbon litter (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
lit_c_ag |
PFT carbon litter from LU/agriculture (kg C m-2 (360days)-1). |
lit_c_orig |
PFT carbon litter including LU (kg C m-2 (360days)-1). |
lit_n |
PFT nitrogen litter (kg N m-2 (360days)-1). |
lit_n_ag |
PFT nitrogen loss due to LU/agriculture (kg N m-2 (360days)-1). |
litterN |
PFT local nitrogen litter production (kg N m-2 (360days)-1). |
lit_n_orig |
PFT nitrogen litter including LU (kg N m-2 (360days)-1). |
npp_dr_out |
PFT mean NPP of biomass expressed as carbon for driving TRIFFID (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
npp |
PFT net primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon prior to nitrogen limitation (kg m-2 s-1). |
npp_n |
PFT net primary productivity of biomass expressed as carbon after nitrogen limitation (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
n_demand |
PFT total nitrogen demand (kg m-2 (360 days)-1). |
n_demand_growth |
PFT nitrogen demand for growth of existing plant biomass (kg m-2 (360 days)-1). |
n_demand_lit |
PFT nitrogen demand of litter: nitrogen lost in leaf, wood and root biomass (kg m-2 (360 days)-1). |
n_demand_spread |
PFT nitrogen demand for spreading plants across gridbox (kg m-2 (360 days)-1). |
n_fertiliser |
Nitrogen addition from fertiliser (kg N m-2 (360days)-1). |
n_fix |
PFT fixed nitrogen (kg N m-2 (360days)-1). |
n_leaf |
PFT leaf nitrogen scaled by LAI in sf_stom (kg m-2). |
n_root |
PFT root nitrogen scaled by LAI_BAL in sf_stom (kg m-2). |
n_stem |
PFT stem nitrogen scaled by LAI in sf_stom; scaled by LAI_BAL if l_stem_resp_fix=T (kg m-2). |
n_uptake |
PFT nitrogen taken up by plants (kg m-2 (360 days)-1). |
n_uptake_growth |
PFT nitrogen taken up for growth of existing plant biomass (kg m-2 (360 days)-1). |
n_veg |
PFT plant nitrogen content N_LEAF+N_ROOT+N_WOOD from carbon equivalents (kg m-2). |
o3_exp_fac |
PFT ozone exposure factor. |
pc_s |
PFT net carbon available for spreading in TRIFFID (kg m-2 (360 days)-1). |
resp_p |
PFT plant respiration carbon flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
resp_w_dr_out |
PFT mean wood respiration carbon flux for driving TRIFFID (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
resp_l |
PFT leaf respiration carbon flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
resp_r |
PFT root respiration carbon flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
resp_w |
PFT wood respiration carbon flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
root_abandon |
PFT carbon flux from roots abandoned during landuse change to soil (kg C m-2 (360days)-1). |
root_abandon_n |
PFT nitrogen flux from roots abandoned during landuse change to soil (kg N m-2 (360days)-1). |
root_litC |
PFT litter carbon due to root turnover (kg m-2 )(360days)-1). |
root_litN |
PFT nitrogen lost as litter due to root turnover (kg m-2 )(360days)-1). |
rootC |
PFT carbon in root biomass (kg m-2 ). |
wood_litC |
PFT litter carbon due to wood turnover (kg m-2 )(360days)-1). |
wood_litN |
PFT litter nitrogen due to wood turnover (kg m-2 )(360days)-1). |
woodC |
PFT carbon in woody biomass (kg m-2 ). |
isoprene |
PFT isoprene emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
terpene |
PFT monoterpene emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
methanol |
PFT methanol emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
acetone |
PFT monoterpene emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fapar |
PFT fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (-). |
burnt_area |
PFT burnt area fraction (s-1). |
emitted_carbon |
PFT emitted carbon flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_CO2 |
PFT fire CO2 emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_CO |
PFT fire CO emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_CH4 |
PFT fire CH4 emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_NOx |
PFT fire NOx emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_SO2 |
PFT fire SO2 emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_OC |
PFT fire OC emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
fire_em_BC |
PFT fire BC emission flux (kg m-2 s-1). |
9.4. Variables that have a value for each PFT and each soil biogeochemistry layer at each land gridpoint¶
Name | Description |
n_inorg_avail_pft |
PFT inorganic nitrogen pool that is available for plant uptake for each soil biogeochemistry layer (kg m-2). |
9.5. Variables that have a value for each crop PFT at each land grid point¶
These variables are only available when ncpft
> 0.
Name | Description |
cropdvi |
Crop PFT developmental index (DVI). |
croprootc |
Crop PFT root carbon pool (kg m-2). |
cropharvc |
Crop PFT carbon in harvested parts (kg m-2). |
cropreservec |
Crop PFT carbon in stem reserve pool (kg m-2). |
croplai |
Crop PFT leaf area index (LAI). |
cropcanht |
Crop PFT canopy height (m). |
cropyield |
Crop PFT yield carbon (kg m-2).
harvest_counter |
1 in a timestep where crop is harvested, 0 otherwise. When used with |
harvest_trigger |
Indicates which condition triggered the harvest:
cropstemc |
Crop PFT carbon in stem parts (kg m-2). |
cropleafc |
Crop PFT carbon in leaf parts (kg m-2). |
cropsowdate |
PFT sowing date (1.0 to 365.0). If |
9.6. Variables that have a value for each tile at each land gridpoint¶
Name | Description |
alb_tile_1 |
Tile land albedo, waveband 1 (direct beam visible). |
alb_tile_2 |
Tile land albedo, waveband 2 (diffuse visible). |
alb_tile_3 |
Tile land albedo, waveband 3 (direct beam NIR). |
alb_tile_4 |
Tile land albedo, waveband 4 (diffuse NIR). |
anthrop_heat |
Anthropogenic heat flux for each tile (W m-2). |
canopy |
Tile surface/canopy water for snow-free land tiles (kg m-2). |
catch |
Tile surface/canopy water capacity of snow-free land tiles (kg m-2). |
ecan |
Tile evaporation from canopy/surface store for snow-free land tiles (kg m-2 s-1). |
ei |
Tile sublimation from lying snow for land tiles (kg m-2 s-1). |
emis |
Tile emissivity. |
esoil |
Tile surface evapotranspiration from soil moisture store for snow-free land tile (kg m-2 s-1). |
et_stom |
Tile transpiration (kg m-2 s-1). |
tau |
Tile surface wind stress for land tiles (N m-2). |
fqw |
Tile surface moisture flux for land tiles (kg m-2 s-1). |
ftl |
Tile surface sensible heat flux for land tiles (W m-2). |
gc |
Tile surface conductance to evaporation for land tiles(m s-1). |
le |
Tile surface latent heat flux for land tiles (W m-2). |
lw_up_surft |
Tile upwelling longwave radiation (W m-2). |
lw_down_surft |
Tile downwelling longwave radiation (W m-2). |
nsnow |
Tile number of snow layers (-). |
q1p5m |
Tile specific humidity at 1.5m over land tiles (kg kg-1). |
rad_net_tile |
Tile surface net radiation (W m-2). |
rgrain |
Tile snow surface grain size (μm). |
snice_freez_surft |
Tile internal refreezing rate in snowpack (kg m-2 s-1). |
snice_m_surft |
Tile total internal melt rate of snowpack (kg m-2 s-1). |
snice_runoff_surft |
Tile net rate of liquid leaving snowpack on tiles (kg m-2 s-1). |
snice_sicerate_surft |
Tile rate of change of solid mass in snowpack (kg m-2 s-1). |
snice_sliqrate_surft |
Tile rate of change of liquid in snowpack (kg m-2 s-1). |
snice_smb_surft |
Tile rate of change of snowpack mass (kg m-2 s-1). |
snow_can_melt |
Tile melt of snow on canopy (kg m-2 s-1). |
snow_can |
Tile snow on canopy (kg m-2). |
snow_depth |
Tile snow depth (m). |
snow_grnd_rho |
Tile bulk density of snow on ground (kg m-3). |
snow_grnd |
Tile snow on ground below canopy (kg m-2). |
snow_ground |
Tile snow on ground (snow_tile or snow_grnd depending
on configuration) (kg m-2). |
snow_ice_tile |
Tile total frozen mass in snow on ground (kg m-2). Only available if |
snow_liq_tile |
Tile total liquid mass in snow on ground (kg m-2). Only available if |
snow_mass |
Tile lying snow (total) (kg m-2). |
snow_melt |
Tile snow melt rate (melt_tile) (kg m-2 s-1). |
snow_soil_htf |
Tile downward heat flux after snowpack to subsurface” (W m-2). |
surf_ht_flux |
Downward heat flux for each tile (W m-2). |
surf_ht_store |
C*(dT/dt) for each tile (W m-2). |
sw_net_surft |
Tile net shortwave radiation (W m-2). |
t1p5m |
Tile temperature at 1.5m over land tiles (K). |
tstar |
Tile surface temperature (K). |
tsurf_elev_surft |
Tile temperature of elevated subsurface tiles (K). |
z0 |
Tile surface roughness (m). |
9.7. Variables that have a value for each surface type at each land gridpoint¶
Name | Description |
frac |
Fractional cover of each surface type. |
tile_index |
Index (gridbox number) of land points with each surface type. |
9.8. Variables that have a value for each soil level at each land gridpoint¶
Name | Description |
b[_soilt] |
Brooks-Corey exponent for each soil layer (-). |
ext[_soilt] |
Extraction of water from each soil layer (kg m-2 s-1). |
fsth |
Soil moisture modifier of soil respiration rate (-). |
ftemp |
Temperature modifier of soil respiration rate (-). |
hcap[_soilt] |
Dry soil heat capacity (J K-1 m-3) for each soil layer. |
hcon[_soilt] |
Dry soil thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1) for each soil layer. |
satcon[_soilt] |
Saturated hydraulic conductivity (kg m-2 s-1) for each soil layer. |
sathh[_soilt] |
Saturated soil water pressure (m) for each soil layer. |
smcl[_soilt] |
Moisture content of each soil layer (kg m-2). |
soil_wet |
Total moisture content of each soil layer, as fraction of saturation (-). |
sthf[_soilt] |
Frozen moisture content of each soil layer as a fraction of saturation (-). |
sthu[_soilt] |
Unfrozen moisture content of each soil layer as a fraction of saturation (-). |
sthu_irr[_soilt] |
Unfrozen moisture content of each soil layer as a fraction of saturation in irrigated fraction (-) (only available if l_irrig_dmd = T). |
t_soil[_soilt] |
Sub-surface temperature of each layer (K). |
sm_sat[_soilt] |
Volumetric moisture content at saturation for each soil layer (-). |
sm_wilt[_soilt] |
Volumetric moisture content at wilting point for each soil layer (-),
as given in JULES_SOIL_PROPS . |
9.9. Variables that have a value for each bedrock layer at each land gridpoint¶
These variables are only available when l_bedrock
Name | Description |
tsoil_deep |
Temperature of each bedrock layer (K). |
9.10. Variables that have a value for each soil biogeochemistry pool at each soil biogeochemistry layer at each land gridpoint¶
With the single-pool soil model (soil_bgc_model
= 1) there is a single soil carbon pool and a single layer.
If the RothC or ECOSSE models are chosen (soil_bgc_model
= 2 or 3) there are 4 soil carbon pools
(decomposable plant material, resistant plant material, biomass, humus) for each soil layer.
For RothC, if l_layeredc
= TRUE there are sm_levels
soil layers (with 4 pools for each),
otherwise a single bulk soil layer is used.
For ECOSSE the number of soil layers is dim_cslayer
Name | Description |
cs |
Carbon in each soil pool and each soil biogeochemistry layer (kg m-2). |
immob_n |
Soil nitrogen immobilisation in each soil pool and each soil biogeochemistry layer (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
immob_n_pot |
Soil potential nitrogen immobilisation in each soil pool and each soil biogeochemistry layer (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
minl_n |
Soil nitrogen mineralisation in each pool soil pool and each soil biogeochemistry layer (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
minl_n_pot |
Soil potential nitrogen mineralisation in each pool soil pool and each soil biogeochemistry layer (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
ns |
Gridbox organic nitrogen in each soil pool and each soil biogeochemistry layer (kg m-2). |
resp_s |
Respiration rate from each soil carbon pool each soil biogeochemistry layer (kg m-2 s-1). |
soil_CN |
Soil C:N in each soil pool and each soil biogeochemistry layer |
9.11. Variables that have a value for each soil biogeochemistry layer at each land gridpoint¶
The number of layers depends on the model set up, as explained in the previous section.
Name | Description |
c_bio |
Carbon in biomass pool for each soil biogeochemistry layer (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
c_dpm |
Carbon in decomposable plant material pool for each soil biogeochemistry
layer (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
c_hum |
Carbon in humus pool for each soil biogeochemistry layer (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
c_rpm |
Carbon in resistant plant material pool for each soil biogeochemistry
layer (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
clay[_soilt] |
Clay fraction for each soil biogeochemistry layer (kg/kg). |
fN |
Nitrogen availability rate modifier for each soil biogeochemistry layer. |
n_amm |
Nitrogen in ammonium pool for each soil biogeochemistry layer
(kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 3. |
n_bio |
Nitrogen in biomass pool for each soil biogeochemistry layer
(kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
n_dpm |
Nitrogen in decomposable plant material pool for each soil biogeochemistry
layer (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
n_gas |
Mineralised nitrogen gas emissions for each soil biogeochemistry layer (kg m-2 (360days)-1). |
n_hum |
Nitrogen in humus pool for each soil biogeochemistry layer (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
n_inorg |
Inorganic nitrogen pool for each soil biogeochemistry layer (kg m-2 ). |
n_nit |
Nitrogen in nitrate pool for each soil biogeochemistry layer
(kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 3. |
n_rpm |
Nitrogen in resistant plant material pool for each soil biogeochemistry
layer (kg m-2).
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 2 or 3. |
soil_ph[_soilt] |
Soil pH for each soil biogeochemistry layer.
Only available if soil_bgc_model = 3. |
9.12. Variables that have a value for each snow layer on each tile at each land gridpoint¶
These variables are only available when nsmax
> 0.
Name | Description |
rgrainl |
Grain size in snow layers for each tile (μm). |
snow_ds |
Depth of each snow layer for each tile (m). |
snow_ice |
Mass of ice in each snow layer for each tile (kg m-2). |
snow_liq |
Mass of liquid water in each snow layer for each tile (kg m-2). |
tsnow |
Temperature of each snow layer (K). |