1.1. JULES version 7.8 Release Notes

The JULES vn7.8 release consists of approximately 12 tickets from 7 authors, including work by many other people.

Full details of the tickets committed for JULES vn7.8 can be found on the JULES shared repository Trac system.

Ticket numbers are indicated below, e.g. #1565.

1.1.1. General/Technical changes

  • Introduced a daily climatology (alongside existing monthly) option for IMOGEN using a 360 day calendar - see l_daily_metdata_climatol. Also changes to the IMOGEN options to clarify the different ways they drive JULES - see l_change_metdata and change_metdata_method. (#1565)

  • Functionality added to allow specification of the ancillary file that each of the required ancillary variables should be read from. (#1525)

  • Diagnostics for RFM river routing now available in the UM atmosphere model. (#1555)

  • Allowing JULES to be used on the Met Office’s Azspice system. Change to the default EX machine for rose stem and allowing use of EXCD. (#1576, 1580, 1585)

  • Updates for the upgraded JASMIN system. (#1586)

1.1.2. Bugs fixed

  • Fix for dry deposition on elevated tiles. (#1568)

  • Bug fix for fire-permafrost interactions in the UM (altered the upper limit when checking value of z_burn_max). (#1581)

  • Bug fix to avoid zero lengths being calculated for a high resolution river grid. (#1583)

1.1.3. Changes to testing

  • Additional rose stem tests for IMOGEN. (#1566)

1.1.4. Documentation updates

  • Updates associated with many of the above changes, and release notes. (#1584)

Documentation can be viewed on the github page http://jules-lsm.github.io/.