1.28. JULES version 4.5 Release Notes¶
The JULES vn4.5 release consists of 31 tickets from 19 authors across 35 commits.
Full details of the tickets committed for JULES vn4.5 can be found on the JULES shared repository Trac system.
1.28.1. Science changes¶
UKCA dry deposition working with 13 surface tiles
Check litter flux carbon balance
Allow litter carbon fluxes from variable numbers of PFTs
Improved seasonal cycle of soil respiration: switch l_soil_resp_lev2 alters how soil temperature and moisture are used for respiration calculation.
Added parameters to trait physiology for nitrogen in wood and roots - see
.INFERNO model of fire emissions and burnt area - see
Option to represent crops using triffid - see
Remove MORUSES hard-wired roof coupling
Add diagnostic for canopy FAPAR (Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation).
JULES-CN: enabled nitrogen limitation of NPP - see
Added the FLake lake model into JULES (for UM use)
1.28.2. Technical changes¶
Variable renaming to support soil tiling
Add JASMIN as a supported system for rose-stem jobs
Fix Cray compiler warnings
Protect print statements from the TRIP river routing code with PrintStatus
1.28.3. Bugs fixed¶
Fix ozone diagnostics in JULES
1.28.4. Documentation updates¶
Coding standards, and documentation can be viewed on the ‘github page <http://jules-lsm.github.io/>_’.
Update to coding standards to reflect and protect variable name changes
Represent crops using TRIFFID
Nitrogen trait physiology
Check litter C flux carbon balance
kgC and kgN in netCDF units metadata
adding nfita to hydrology namelist
add FAPAR diagnostic