This file contains a single namelist called JULES_PFTPARM that sets time-and space-invariant parameters for plant functional types.
If the crop model is on (i.e. ncpft > 0), the order of PFTs must be natural PFTs followed by crop PFTs.
This namelist reads the values of parameters for each of the plant functional types (PFTs). These parameters are a function of PFT only. Parameters that also vary with time and location can be prescribed in prescribed_data.nml. Parameters that are only required if the dynamic vegetation (TRIFFID) or phenology sections are requested are read separately in triffid_params.nml. Every member must be given a value for every run.
The files given in the examples directory are a good starting point for setting up any JULES run, and in the majority of cases can be left untouched.
HCTN24 and 30 refer to Hadley Centre technical notes 24 and 30, available from the Met Office Library.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
The height of each PFT (m), also known as the canopy height.
The value read here is only used if TRIFFID is not active (l_triffid = FALSE).
If TRIFFID is active, canopy height is a prognostic variable and its initial value is read in initial_conditions.nml.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
The leaf area index (LAI) of each PFT.
The value read here is only used if neither phenology nor TRIFFID is active (l_phenol = FALSE and l_triffid = FALSE).
If phenology is active, LAI is a prognostic variable and its initial value is read in initial_conditions.nml. When TRIFFID is active but phenology is not active (not recommended), LAI is calculated from the canopy height (meaning that the seasonal cycle of LAI will not be correctly represented).
Type: | integer(npft) |
Default: | None |
Flag indicating whether PFT is C3 type.
Type: | integer(npft) |
Default: | None |
Flag indicating leaf angle distribution.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Canopy structure factor (dimensionless). can_struct_a_io=1.0 indicates a structurally homogeneous canopy. Corresponds to the structure factor Zeta in Pinty et al 2006 except assumed not to vary with zenith angle i.e. b=0. The canopy structure factor has no effect if can_rad_mod = 1.
See also
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Allometric coefficient relating the target woody biomass to the leaf area index (kg carbon m-2).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Woody biomass as a multiple of live stem biomass.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Snow-covered albedo for large leaf area index.
Only used if l_snow_albedo = FALSE. See HCTN30 Eq.2.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Snow-covered albedo for zero leaf area index.
Only used if l_snow_albedo = FALSE. See HCTN30 Eq.2.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Snow-free albedo for large LAI.
Only used if l_spec_albedo = FALSE. See HCTN30 Eq.1.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Upper bound for the snow-free albedo for large LAI, when scaled to match input obs.
Only used if l_spec_albedo = FALSE and l_albedo_obs = TRUE.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Lower bound for the snow-free albedo for large LAI, when scaled to match input obs.
Only used if l_spec_albedo = FALSE and l_albedo_obs = TRUE.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Quantum efficiency (mol CO2 per mol PAR photons).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Leaf reflection coefficient for NIR. See HCTN30 Table 3.
Used when l_spec_albedo = TRUE.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Upper limit for the leaf reflection coefficient for NIR, when l_albedo_obs = TRUE and l_spec_albedo = TRUE.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Lower limit for the leaf reflection coefficient for NIR, when l_albedo_obs = TRUE and l_spec_albedo = TRUE.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Leaf reflection coefficient for VIS (photosyntehtically active radiation). See HCTN30 Table 3.
Used when l_spec_albedo = TRUE.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Upper limit for the leaf reflection coefficient for VIS, when l_albedo_obs = TRUE and l_spec_albedo = TRUE.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Lower limit for the leaf reflection coefficient for VIS, when l_albedo_obs = TRUE and l_spec_albedo = TRUE.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Allometric exponent relating the target woody biomass to the leaf area index. This is 5/3 in HCTN24 Eq.8.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Minimum canopy capacity (kg m-2).
This is the minimum amount of water that can be held on the canopy. See HCTN30 p7.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Rate of change of canopy capacity with LAI (kg m-2).
Canopy capacity is calculated as catch0 + dcatch_dlai*lai. See HCTN30 p7.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Rate of change of leaf turnover rate with moisture availability.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Rate of change of leaf turnover rate with temperature (K-1).
This is 9 in HCTN24 Eq.10.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Critical humidity deficit (kg H2O per kg air).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Rate of change of vegetation roughness length for momentum with height.
Roughness length is calculated as dz0v_dh * canht_ft. See HCTN30 p5.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Live stemwood coefficient (kg C/m/(m2 leaf)).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Scale factor for dark respiration. See HCTN 24 Eq. 56.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Moisture availability below which leaves are dropped.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
CI / CA for DQ = 0. See HCTN 24 Eq. 32.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Minimum turnover rate for leaves (/360days).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Minimum leaf conductance for H2O (m s-1).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Infiltration enhancement factor.
The maximum infiltration rate defined by the soil parameters for the whole gridbox may be modified for each PFT to account for tile-dependent factors, such as macro-pores related to vegetation roots.
See HCTN30 p14 for full details.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Ratio of N stem to N heartwood (kgN/kgN) from the TRY database.
Only used if l_trait_phys = T.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Light extinction coefficient - used with Beer’s Law for light absorption through tile canopies. See HCTN30 Eq.3.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
PAR Extinction coefficient (m2 leaf / m2 ground).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Minimum LAI permitted in calculation of the albedo in snow-free conditions.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Scale factor relating Vcmax with leaf nitrogen concentration. See HCTN 24 Eq. 51.
Only used if l_trait_phys = F.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Top leaf nitrogen concentration (kg N/kg C).
Only used if l_trait_phys = F.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Ratio of root nitrogen concentration to leaf nitrogen concentration.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Root nitrogen concentration (kgN/kgC). Only used if l_trait_phys = T.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Ratio of stem nitrogen concentration to leaf nitrogen concentration.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Stemwood nitrogen concentration (kgN/kgC). Only used if l_trait_phys = T.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Ratio of Heartwood to Stemwood Nitrogen Concentration (typically 0.5) Only used if l_trait_phys = T.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Leaf scattering coefficient for PAR.
Used when l_spec_albedo = TRUE.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Upper limit for the leaf scattering coefficient for PAR, when l_albedo_obs = TRUE and l_spec_albedo = TRUE.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Lower limit for the leaf scattering coefficient for PAR, when l_albedo_obs = TRUE and l_spec_albedo = TRUE.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Leaf scattering coefficient for NIR.
Used when l_spec_albedo = TRUE.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Upper limit for the leaf scattering coefficient for NIR, when l_albedo_obs = TRUE and l_spec_albedo = TRUE.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Lower limit for the leaf scattering coefficient for NIR, when l_albedo_obs = TRUE and l_spec_albedo = TRUE.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Growth respiration fraction.
Type: | integer(npft) |
Default: | None |
Switch for method of weighting the contribution that different soil layers make to the soil moisture availability factor fsmc.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Soil potential above which the soil moisture stress factor on vegetation (fsmc) is one. Unit: Pa. Allowed range: must be negative. Only used if l_use_pft_psi = T.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Soil potential below which the soil moisture stress factor on vegetation (fsmc) is zero. Unit: Pa. Allowed range: must be negative. Only used if l_use_pft_psi = T.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Parameter determining the root depth (m).
If fsmc_mod_io = 0, an exponential root distribution with depth is assumed, with e-folding depth rootd_ft (see HCTN30 Eq.32). Note that this means that generally some of the roots exist at depths greater than rootd_ft. If fsmc_mod_io = 1, rootd_ft is the total depth of the root zone.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Pft-dependent parameter governing the threshold at which the plant starts to experience water stress due to lack of water in the soil. Only used if l_use_pft_psi = F. The volumetric soil moisture content (m3 water per m3 soil) at which the plant starts to become water stressed is sm_wilt+(sm_crit-sm_wilt)*(1-fsmc_p0) (see JULES_SOIL_PROPS for a description of sm_wilt and sm_crit).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Specific density of leaf carbon (kg C/m2 leaf).
Only used if l_trait_phys = F.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Temperature below which leaves are dropped (K).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Lower temperature for photosynthesis (deg C).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Upper temperature for photosynthesis (deg C).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Surface emissivity.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Ratio of the roughness length for heat to the roughness length for momentum.
This is generally assumed to be 0.1. See HCTN30 p6. Note that this is the ratio of the roughness length for heat to that for momentum. It does not alter the roughness length for momentum, which is calculated using canht_ft_io and dz0v_dh_io.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Ratio of the roughness length for heat to the roughness length for momentum for the CLASSIC aerosol scheme only.
This makes no difference to the model when running standalone, and is only required to keep the standalone and UM interfaces consistent.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Critical flux of O3 to vegetation (nmol m-2 s-1).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Plant type specific O3 sensitivity parameter (nmol-1 m2 s).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Isoprene Emission Factor (μg g-1 h-1).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Monoterpene Emission Factor (μg g-1 h-1).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Methanol Emission Factor (μg g-1 h-1).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Acetone Emission Factor (μg g-1 h-1).
Tybe: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Leaf-internal CO2concentration at standard conditions (Pa),
Standard conditions are: T = 303.15K, p = 1013.25 hPa, atmospheric CO2 = 370 ppmv, PAR = 1000 μmol m-2 s-1.
Tybe: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Gross primary production (GPP) at standard conditions (kgC m-2 s-1),
Standard conditions are: T = 303.15K, p = 1013.25 hPa, atmospheric CO2 = 370 ppmv, PAR = 1000 μmol m-2 s-1.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Top leaf nitrogen content per unit mass (kgN kgLeaf-1).
Only used if l_trait_phys = T.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Leaf mass per unit area (kgLeaf m-2).
Only used if l_trait_phys = T.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
There is a linear relationship between Vcmax and Narea. Previously Vcmax was calculated as the product of nl0 and neff.
This is now replaced by a linear regression based on data reported in Kattge et al. 2009. Vint is the y-intercept, vsl is the slope.
Units: μmol CO2 m-2 s-1.
Only used if l_trait_phys = T.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Slope in the linear regression between Vcmax and Narea.
Units: μmol CO2 gN-1 s-1.
Only used if l_trait_phys = T.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None. |
Parameter for decay of nitrogen through the canopy, as a function of layers. Only used if can_rad_mod = 4 or 5.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None. |
Parameter for decay of nitrogen through the canopy, as a function of LAI. Only used if can_rad_mod = 6.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None. |
Q10 factor for plant respiration.
See Cox et al. (1999) Eq. 66.
Was previously a single parameter but now can have PFT-dependent values.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Fire CO2 Emission Factor (g kg-1).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Fire CO Emission Factor (g kg-1).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Fire CH4 Emission Factor (g kg-1).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Fire NOx Emission Factor (g kg-1).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Fire SO2 Emission Factor (g kg-1).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Fire OC Emission Factor (g kg-1).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Fire BC Emission Factor (g kg-1).
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Leaf minimum combustion completeness.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Leaf maximum combustion completeness.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Wood minimum combustion completeness.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Wood maximum combustion completeness.
Type: | real(npft) |
Default: | None |
Average PFT Burnt Area per fire (m:sup‘2’).