10. JULES Output variables

Variables that are available for output from JULES are listed in this section, separated according to their type.

The ‘Captured’ column indicates whether that variable is captured at the start or end of the timestep (see JULES output).


All output is on the full model grid (even for variables defined on land points only).

Any points on the grid for which a variable is not defined with be filled with a missing data value.

10.1. Variables that have a single value at each gridpoint (land and sea)

Name Description
con_rain Gridbox convective rainfall (kg m-2 s-1).
con_snow Gridbox convective snowfall (kg m-2 s-1).
cosz Cosine of the zenith angle (-).
diff_frac Gridbox fraction of radiation that is diffuse (-).
ecan_gb Gridbox mean evaporation from canopy/surface store (kg m-2 s-1).
ei_gb Gridbox sublimation from lying snow or sea-ice (kg m-2 s-1).
esoil_gb Gridbox surface evapotranspiration from soil moisture store (kg m-2 s-1).
fqw_gb Gridbox moisture flux from surface (kg m-2 s-1).
ftl_gb Gridbox surface sensible heat flux (W m-2).
land_albedo_1 Gridbox albedo for waveband 1 (direct beam visible).
land_albedo_2 Gridbox albedo for waveband 2 (diffuse visible).
land_albedo_3 Gridbox albedo for waveband 3 (direct beam NIR).
land_albedo_4 Gridbox albedo for waveband 4 (diffuse NIR).
latent_heat Gridbox surface latent heat flux (W m-2).
ls_rain Gridbox large-scale rainfall (kg m-2 s-1).
ls_snow Gridbox large-scale snowfall (kg m-2 s-1).
lw_down Gridbox surface downward LW radiation (W m-2).
precip Gridbox precipitation rate (kg m-2 s-1).
pstar Gridbox surface pressure (Pa).
q1p5m_gb Gridbox specific humidity at 1.5m height (kg kg-1).
qw1 Gridbox specific humidity (total water content) (kg kg-1).
rainfall Gridbox rainfall rate (kg m-2 s-1).
snomlt_surf_htf Gridbox heat flux used for surface melting of snow (W m-2).
snowfall Gridbox snowfall rate (kg m-2 s-1).
snow_mass_gb Gridbox snowmass (kg m-2).
surf_ht_flux_gb Gridbox net downward heat flux at surface over land and sea-ice fraction of gridbox (W m-2).
sw_down Gridbox surface downward SW radiation (W m-2).
t1p5m_gb Gridbox temperature at 1.5m height (K).
taux1 Gridbox westerly component of surface wind stress (N m-2).
tauy1 Gridbox southerly component of surface wind stress (N m-2).
tl1 Gridbox ice/liquid water temperature (K).
tstar_gb Gridbox surface temperature (K).
u1 Gridbox westerly wind component (m s-1).
u10m Gridbox westerly wind component at 10 m height (m s-1).
v1 Gridbox southerly wind component (m s-1).
v10m Gridbox southerly wind component at 10m height (m s-1).
wind Gridbox wind speed (m s-1).

10.2. Variables that have a single value at each land gridpoint

Name Description
albedo_land Gridbox albedo (as used to calculate net shortwave radiation) (-).
canopy_gb Gridbox canopy water content (kg m-2).
cs_gb Gridbox total soil carbon (kg C m-2).
cv Gridbox mean vegetation carbon at end of model timestep (kg C m-2).
depth_frozen Gridbox depth of frozen ground at surface (m).
depth_unfrozen Gridbox depth of unfrozen ground at surface (m).
drain Gridbox drainage at bottom of soil column (kg m-2 s-1).
elake Gridbox mean evaporation from lakes (kg m-2 s-1).
emis_gb Gridbox emissivity.
fch4_wetl Gridbox scaled methane flux from wetland fraction (10-9 kg C m-2 s-1).
fsat Gridbox surface saturated fraction (-).
fsmc_gb Gridbox soil moisture availability factor (beta) (-).
fwetl Gridbox wetland fraction at end of model timestep (-).
gpp_gb Gridbox gross primary productivity (kg C m-2 s-1).
gs Gridbox surface conductance to evaporation (m s-1).
hf_snow_melt Gridbox snowmelt heat flux (W m-2).
land_index Index (gridbox number) of land points.
lice_index Index (gridbox number) of land ice points.
lit_c_mean Gridbox mean carbon litter (kg C m-2 (360days)-1).
lw_net Gridbox surface net LW radiation (W m-2).
lw_up Gridbox surface upward LW radiation (W m-2).
npp_gb Gridbox net primary productivity (kg C m-2 s-1).
qbase Gridbox baseflow (lateral subsurface runoff) (kg m-2 s-1).
qbase_zw Gridbox baseflow (lateral subsurface runoff) from deep layer (kg m-2 s-1).
rad_net Surface net radiation (W m-2).
resp_p_gb Gridbox plant respiration (kg C m-2 s-1).
resp_s_gb Gridbox total soil respiration (kg C m-2 s-1).
resp_s_dr_out Gridbox mean soil respiration for driving TRIFFID (kg C m-2 (360days)-1).
runoff Gridbox runoff rate (kg m-2 s-1).
sat_excess_roff Gridbox saturation excess runoff rate (kg m-2 s-1).
smc_avail_top Gridbox available moisture in surface layer of depth given by zsmc (kg m-2).
smc_avail_tot Gridbox available moisture in soil column (kg m-2).
smc_tot Gridbox total soil moisture in column (kg m-2).
snomlt_sub_htf Gridbox sub-canopy snowmelt heat flux (W m-2).
snow_can_gb Gridbox snow on canopy (kg m-2).
snow_depth_gb Gridbox depth of snow (m).
snow_frac Gridbox snow-covered fraction of land points (-).
snow_grnd_gb Gridbox average snow beneath canopy (snow_grnd) (kg m-2).

Gridbox frozen water in snowpack (kg m-2).

Only available if nsmax > 0.


Gridbox liquid water in snowpack (kg m-2).

Only available if nsmax > 0.

snow_melt_gb Gridbox rate of snowmelt (kg m-2 s-1).
soil_index Index (gridbox number) of soil points.
sthzw Soil wetness in the deep (water table) layer (-).
sub_surf_roff Gridbox sub-surface runoff (kg m-2 s-1).
surf_roff Gridbox surface runoff (kg m-2 s-1).
swet_liq_tot Gridbox unfrozen soil moisture as fraction of saturation (-).
swet_tot Gridbox soil moisture as fraction of saturation (-).
sw_net Gribox net shortwave radiation at the surface (W m-2).
tfall Gridbox throughfall (kg m-2 s-1).
trad Gridbox effective radiative temperature (K).
zw Gridbox mean depth to water table (m).
isoprene_gb Gridbox mean isoprene emission flux (kg m-2 s-1).
terpene_gb Gridbox mean monoterpene emission flux (kg m-2 s-1).
methanol_gb Gridbox mean methanol emission flux (kg m-2 s-1).
acetone_gb Gridbox mean monoterpene emission flux (kg m-2 s-1).

10.3. Variables that have a value for each PFT at each land gridpoint

Name Description
c_veg PFT total carbon content of the vegetation at end of model timestep (kg C m-2).
canht PFT canopy height (m).
flux_o3_stom PFT flux of O3 to stomata (mol m-2 s-1).
fsmc PFT soil moisture availability factor (-).
g_leaf PFT leaf turnover rate ([360days]-1).
g_leaf_day PFT mean leaf turnover rate for input to PHENOL ([360days]-1).
g_leaf_dr_out PFT mean leaf turnover rate for driving TRIFFID ([360days]-1).
g_leaf_phen PFT mean leaf turnover rate over phenology period([360days]-1).
gpp PFT gross primary productivity (kg C m-2 s-1).
lai PFT leaf area index (-).
lai_phen PFT leaf area index after phenology (-).
lit_c PFT carbon litter (kg C m-2 (360days)-1).
npp_dr_out PFT mean NPP for driving TRIFFID (kg C m-2 (360days)-1).
npp PFT net primary productivity (kg C m-2 s-1).
o3_exp_fac PFT ozone exposure factor.
resp_p PFT plant respiration (kg C m-2 s-1).
resp_w_dr_out PFT mean wood respiration for driving TRIFFID (kg C m-2 (360days)-1).
resp_w PFT wood respiration (kg C m-2 s-1).
isoprene PFT isoprene emission flux (kg m-2 s-1).
terpene PFT monoterpene emission flux (kg m-2 s-1).
methanol PFT methanol emission flux (kg m-2 s-1).
acetone PFT monoterpene emission flux (kg m-2 s-1).

10.4. Variables that have a value for each crop PFT at each land grid point

These variables are only available when ncpft > 0.

Name Description
cropdvi Crop PFT developmental index.
croprootc Crop PFT root carbon pool (kg C m-2).
cropharvc Crop PFT carbon in harvested parts (kg C m-2).
cropreservec Crop PFT carbon in stem reserve pool (kg C m-2).
croplai Crop PFT leaf area index.
cropcanht Crop PFT canopy height (m).
cropyield Crop PFT yield carbon (kg m-2).
cropstemc Crop PFT carbon in stem parts (kg m-2).
cropleafc Crop PFT carbon in leaf parts (kg m-2).

PFT sowing date (1.0 to 365.0).

If l_prescsow = FALSE then this will always be 0.

10.5. Variables that have a value for each tile at each land gridpoint

Name Description
alb_tile_1 Tile land albedo, waveband 1 (direct beam visible).
alb_tile_2 Tile land albedo, waveband 2 (diffuse visible).
alb_tile_3 Tile land albedo, waveband 3 (direct beam NIR).
alb_tile_4 Tile land albedo, waveband 4 (diffuse NIR).
anthrop_heat Anthropogenic heat flux for each tile (W m-2).
canopy Tile surface/canopy water for snow-free land tiles (kg m-2).
catch Tile surface/canopy water capacity of snow-free land tiles (kg m-2).
ecan Tile evaporation from canopy/surface store for snow-free land tiles (kg m-2 s-1).
ei Tile sublimation from lying snow for land tiles (kg m-2 s-1).
emis Tile emissivity.
esoil Tile surface evapotranspiration from soil moisture store for snow-free land tile (kg m-2 s-1).
fqw Tile surface moisture flux for land tiles (kg m-2 s-1).
ftl Tile surface sensible heat flux for land tiles (W m-2).
gc Tile surface conductance to evaporation for land tiles(m s-1).
le Tile surface latent heat flux for land tiles (W m-2).
nsnow Tile number of snow layers (-).
q1p5m Tile specific humidity at 1.5m over land tiles (kg kg-1).
rad_net_tile Tile surface net radiation (W m-2).
rgrain Tile snow surface grain size (μm).
snow_can_melt Tile melt of snow on canopy (kg m-2 s-1).
snow_can Tile snow on canopy (kg m-2).
snow_depth Tile snow depth (m).
snow_grnd_rho Tile bulk density of snow on ground (kg m-3).
snow_grnd Tile snow on ground below canopy (kg m-2).
snow_ground Tile snow on ground (snow_tile or snow_grnd depending on configuration) (kg m-2).

Tile total frozen mass in snow on ground (kg m-2).

Only available if nsmax > 0.


Tile total liquid mass in snow on ground (kg m-2).

Only available if nsmax > 0.

snow_mass Tile lying snow (total) (kg m-2).
snow_melt Tile snow melt rate (melt_tile) (kg m-2 s-1).
surf_ht_flux Downward heat flux for each tile (W m-2).
surf_ht_store C*(dT/dt) for each tile (W m-2).
t1p5m Tile temperature at 1.5m over land tiles (K).
tstar Tile surface temperature (K).
z0 Tile surface roughness (m).

10.6. Variables that have a value for each surface type at each land gridpoint

Name Description
frac Fractional cover of each surface type.
tile_index Index (gridbox number) of land points with each surface type.

10.7. Variables that have a value for each soil level at each land gridpoint

Name Description
b Brooks-Corey exponent for each soil layer (-).
ext Extraction of water from each soil layer (kg m-2 s-1).
hcap Dry soil heat capacity (J K-1 m-3) for each soil layer.
hcon Dry soil thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1) for each soil layer.
satcon Saturated hydraulic conductivity (kg m-2 s-1) for each soil layer.
sathh Saturated soil water pressure (m) for each soil layer.
smcl Moisture content of each soil layer (kg m-2).
soil_wet Total moisture content of each soil layer, as fraction of saturation (-).
sthf Frozen moisture content of each soil layer as a fraction of saturation (-).
sthu Unfrozen moisture content of each soil layer as a fraction of saturation (-).
t_soil Sub-surface temperature of each layer (K).
sm_crit Volumetric moisture content at critical point for each soil layer (-).
sm_sat Volumetric moisture content at saturation for each soil layer (-).
sm_wilt Volumetric moisture content at wilting point for each soil layer (-).

10.8. Variables that have a value for each soil carbon pool at each land gridpoint

If l_triffid = TRUE, there are 4 soil carbon pools as in the RothC model (decomposable plant material, resistant plant material, biomass, humus). If l_triffid = FALSE, there is a single soil carbon pool.

Name Description
cs Carbon in each soil pool (kg C m-2).
resp_s Respiration rate from each soil carbon pool (kg C m-2 s-1).

10.9. Variables that have a value for each snow layer on each tile at each land gridpoint

These variables are only available when nsmax > 0.

Name Description
rgrainl Grain size in snow layers for each tile (μm).
snow_ds Depth of each snow layer for each tile (m).
snow_ice Mass of ice in each snow layer for each tile (kg m-2).
snow_liq Mass of liquid water in each snow layer for each tile (kg m-2).
tsnow Temperature of each snow layer (K).